The Law Is Elastic but Does Not Bend: A Literal Interpretation of European Union Chemical Legislation Could Leave Health and the Environment Unprotected

¡Se publica un artículo de Carme Ribes Ortega entre las 5 mejores revistas de Derecho del mundo!

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The Law Is Elastic but Does Not Bend: A Literal Interpretation of European Union Chemical Legislation Could Leave Health and the Environment Unprotected

Escrito por Carme Ribes Ortega, personal predoctoral del Área y miembro del equipo de trabajo del Proyecto de Salud Pública en Transformación (SPENT).

Artículo de la doctoranda, fruto de su estancia de investigación en la Chair of Food Law de la Universidad de Bayreuth (Alemania) y escrito en inglés. Este artículo ha sido publicado en la European Jorunal of Risk Regulation, revista internacional e interdisciplinar, revisada por pares desde 2009. Esta revista se encuentra entre las 5 mejores revistas de Derecho del mundo (Q1), según el JCI de Clarivate (ránking) de 2022.


El abstract del artículo es como sigue:

"This piece addresses Case C-458/19 P before the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) concerning a substance of long-term exposure, namely bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP). The case concerned the interplay of two complex procedures of European chemical law, namely: the procedure for authorising the use of a substance listed in Annex XIV of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH Regulation); and the procedure for listing a substance in Annex XIV of the REACH Regulation on the basis of its intrinsic properties as a substance of very high concern for the risks it poses, or may pose, to human and environmental health. The significance of this judgment is that it provides a better understanding of how Article 60(4) of the REACH Regulation is interpreted in an analogous manner in relation to other provisions of the same Regulation. Whether DEHP is a question of reproductive toxicity (Article 57(c) of the REACH Regulation) or endocrine-disrupting properties (Article 57(f) of the REACH Regulation), this judgment offers insights into the limits of the CJEU’s willingness and/or ability to use a teleological approach to interpret legislation in this area. Furthermore, this work supports the possibility of applying the principle of intergenerational equity to issues related to long-term exposure such as this one."1


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¡Enhorabuena, Carme!



1) Ribes Ortega C, “The Law Is Elastic but Does Not Bend: A Literal Interpretation of European Union Chemical Legislation Could Leave Health and the Environment Unprotected” [2023] European Journal of Risk Regulation. DOI: